วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fat blasting workouts - How to create the best fat blasting workouts

It is impossible to find the best workout for fat burning, if you want to
make progress constantly, then you have to make changes to your workout
program constantly. Obviously when you are not making progress very fast,
then you need to make changes and if you are doing very well, then making
changes is not needed.

Creating the best fat blasting workouts

Keeping a training diary is very important, because then you can make the
right changes at the right time. You have to write down the exercises you
are doing, how many reps you are doing, your sets, how you feel etc. All
those things are really important because it is feedback. The more
accurate feedback you have, the better you can make your workouts.

Certainly pushing a bit harder, is the first option you can use, to break
a plateau. You can either add more weight, do more reps, do more sets,
make your rest periods shorter, change exercises. And the same goes for
aerobic workouts as well. Try different things, write everything down so
you can figure out, what works for you and what does not.

But very often pushing yourself harder is not very effective. sometimes if
you have pushed yourself very hard during your workouts, then you could
have the over-training syndrome. If you believe that over-training is your
problem, then he best remedy for it is rest. Taking a few days or more
off, from training is necessary to let your body recover.

Creating the best fat blasting workouts is hard because there is not
formula for it. Although the basic fundamentals are the same for everyone,
but each person is different, so making changes is essential. The only way
how you can make the right choices, is if you keep track of your progress
and analyze everything you do. The more feedback you get, the more choices
you have available to make your fat blasting workouts better all the time.


