วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Which Problem Do My Red Flashing Lights Indicate?

If there are red lights flashing away on the front of your Xbox 360 then
you have one of four possible problems. Which problem it is depends on how
many lights you have flashing at you. Read on to find how many lights mean
what so that you can find the right solution to the problem.

One red flashing light will normally be accompanied by an on-screen error
message and this means that the scaler chip at the back of your console
has shut down due to an excess of heat in the unit in order to prevent
further damage to the system. There is no quick and simply way to fix this
so you will either have to send the unit back to Microsoft or look online
for an Xbox 360 repair guide and fix it yourself.

Two red flashing lights means that your system has overheated but this
could be caused by a lot of dust on top of the console. Cleaning the unit
is a good idea, and you should also get the power brick off the floor so
that it has more ventilation around it - this should help to prevent

Three red flashing lights indicates a general hardware failure and is the
most common error to affect Xbox 360 users. As with the one red flashing
light, you will either have to send the unit to Microsoft for them to fix
or get an Xbox 360 repair guide and fix it yourself.

Four red flashing lights is actually the least of your worries - this just
means that your AV cable probably isn't plugged in properly, so make sure
it is properly plugged in, both to the console and the TV and that should
solve the problem.

I hope this helps and that you are back gaming again in no time.

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